Measures of Student Achievement and Success
Ridgemont High School follows the guidelines set out in the OCDSB Policy and Procedures for Student Evaluation, available on the Board’s web site (
All students participate in District-wide evaluation projects in 2D and 2P Mathematics and 4U and 4C English. Our students continue to achieve on the local and provincial scene in a wide variety of academic, artistic, and athletic endeavours.
School Learning Plan - Student Achievement:
At Ridgemont, we are committed to best practices, and work with staff to implement evolving assessment and evaluation practices through ongoing professional development. Our staff is dedicated to meeting the needs of all students. We continue to upgrade and modernize our physical facility to serve our cohort of 21st century learners.
Through a review of multiple data resources, it was determined that our Student Achievement focus of our 2019-20 School Learning PLan, would be in the area of Numeracy - specifically Number Sense. We identified a need to concentrate on our English Language Learners in our Grade 9 Applied classes. We continue to see the need to foster a growth-mindset with these students; to build their belief in their abilities and encourage them to take risks in their learning. Our SLP was focused around a collaborative approach between a select number of Math/ELL teachers from two of our feeder schools (those sending us the largest ELL number of students). The premise was that by working together, to better understand strategies/methods used at the grade 8 and 9 level, specifically in increasing understanding in Number Sense, teachers would be better prepared to increase/impact student success. Through this collegial partnership, we will focus on increasing student achievement and resiliency in our learners.
School Learning Plan - Wellness:
At Ridgemont we recognize that schools play an increasingly important role in supporting the development and maintenance of well-being our children and youth. Our staff work diligently to:
- Create mentally healthy classrooms
- Reduce stigma related to mental health
- Work closely with our clinical partners in identifying and supporting students who are struggling with mental health issues.
Our School Improvement Plan in the area of Student Wellbeing, is focused on helping Students to recognize and communicate when they are feeling stressed. To empower students with specific strategies (ex., mindfulness, deep breathing, positive self-talk) to manage daily challenges. This year we have specifically targeted our Grade 9 students in developing these skills and general resilience.