Our School
Ridgemont High School provides a strong academic and practical foundation for students who choose either to pursue post-secondary education or to enter the workforce. Ridgemont HS is noted for its academic excellence, athletic achievements, and community-related programs. A dynamic, caring, and award winning staff—focused on students and student achievement—is committed to providing a stimulating and enriching learning environment for all students. Ridgemont HS is a centre for ESL, French Immersion, and ECL (Education for Community Living) programs. In addition to a full range of academic programs, Ridgemont HS offers many technology-related courses and opportunities to its students: a Computer Art course, Communication Technology, Transportation Technology, and Design & Technology. We have a strong Co-op program linked to our many community partners and a well-established Arts and Athletics programs. Ridgemont HS also offers a wide range of international languages such as Arabic, Somali, Spanish and German. Ridgemont HS is proud of its many accomplishments, it's diversity, and its ability to serve all students.
Our Students
There are approximately 765 registered students at Ridgemont High School each year. Ridgemont HS is an urban school with a rich cultural and linguistic diversity that mirrors the diversity of the world. Students graduating from Ridgemont HS are prepared to be informed and active citizens of a globalized society that requires knowledge and respect of cultures, knowledge about the world, and the ability to communicate in English and international languages.
Our Grade 9 students come from a number of community schools and are welcomed by our Spartan STARS To ensure that grade nine students have a successful start to high school, the Spartan STARS (Support, Trust, Acceptance, Relationships = Success) welcome grade 9s with activities and provide them with senior students as mentors. Grade 9 students and their mentors meet regularly during the school year, under the supervision of the STARS staff advisors. It is a great program that connects students, develops positive relationships, and facilitates a smooth, successful start to high school. Our students have access to excellent programs such as the Ridgemont Leadership Camp, Boys & Girls Club, certification programs, and after hours homework support.
Our Staff
Ridgemont HS staff are dedicated to helping students reach their potential in a caring, safe, supportive environment. We have highly qualified, professional staff committed to students, student learning and student success. Many staff have additional qualifications including Special Education, ESL, and Masters degrees. In addition to our teaching staff, we have educational assistants and youth workers, office assistants, library and guidance technicians, and custodians all supporting student success and creating a welcoming, caring environment. We have a Multicultural Liaison Officer and a Youth Counsellor & Community Outreach Worker. Also, we have numerous partnerships with community agencies.
Over the years, staff members at Ridgemont HS were credited the OCDSB Director’s Citations Award and presented with the prestigious National Capital Educator’s Award.
Ridgemont HS's staff bring a variety of backgrounds and experiences to our students. Our staff include former government trade negotiators, engineers, magazine editors, performing musicians, published poets and authors, actors, nurses, and active participants in sports including rugby, curling and hockey.
Our Community
Ridgemont HS is a great community school. There are a number of after school programs offered to students at Ridgemont HS. The nearby commercial areas offer many possibilities for part-time employment and Co-op education placements. A community centre, public library, and ice rink are also close by.
Ridgemont HS School Council consists of an active group of parents, community members, business partners, and staff. They have helped developed Ridgemont HS's mission statement and Graduate Exit Outcomes. They have also reviewed the school code of conduct and yearly review the principal's profile.
The Ridgemont School Council meets bi-monthly on the second Tuesday in the school library. Participating parents recognize the positive impact of their involvement on their children's education. At School Council meetings, parents are able to address issues of concern and advise the principal regarding a wide range of topics. New members are always welcome.
Mission Statement
At Ridgemont High School, we embrace our perse nature and challenge all students to achieve personal excellence and responsible citizenship through a spirit of co-operation and a commitment to life-long learning.
Facilities and Resources
Ridgemont HS has a fully serviced, comprehensive high school plant, well suited to deliver the range of programs offered at the school.
- A library/resource centre contains over 20,000 volumes including French, German, and Spanish titles, and has computers with a range of programs and Internet access;
- A full auditorium with seating for 730;
- Two gymnasiums, one with bleachers, a football field, outdoor tennis and basketball courts, a regulation field and track for athletics, a weight room;
- Well-equipped science labs for Chemistry, Biology and Physics;
- Technical shops (Transportation Tech, Technological Design, Communications Tech and Family Studies lab);
- Four classroom computer labs, which are continually updated.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
- Full Selection of Courses for University, College, and Workplace bound students
- Arts Program (Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance, Computer Art)
- Media Studies
- Technologies (Communication, Design, Transportation)
- Outdoor Education
- Student Success Program
- French Immersion and Extended French Programs
- ESL Program, with sheltered courses offered in Science, Geography, History
- An excellent Co-operative Education Program
- A wide variety of International Languages
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
- Access to House Building Course
- Pathways to the Future Program
- Skills for Success
- Access to Winning Attitudes - Specialized CO-OP program
Clubs and Activities
- Leadership Training
- Spartan STARS
- Ridgemont HS Ambassadors
- Equity Club (Multicultural Club)
- Jane Austen Book Club
- Boys and Girls Book Clubs
- RAA (Ridgemont Athletic Association)
- Interscholastic and Intramural sports, including basketball, volleyball, rugby, ultimate, soccer, track & field, ice hockey, tennis, and golf Clubs including Robotics, Skiing, Drama, Outdoor Education, Leadership, Debate, Yearbook, Reach, GSSA, Choir, Dance, Chess, Games, Improv, United Nations Club
- Student Council activities include school spirit activities, dances and fund raising for the United Way
- ECL fundraise for Snowsuit Fund and Easter Seals
- Stage and Jazz Bands
- Breakfast Program
- Homework Club – RHS students/staff providing homework help to elementary students
Classroom Organization
Ridgemont HS is a semestered, grade 9 to 12 community school. Courses are offered at the academic/university, applied/college, and open/mixed levels. There are four periods a day, on a two-day cycle, with Day 1 occurring on odd-numbered days and Day 2 on even-numbered days. Periods do not tumble in the morning but do tumble in the afternoon. Each period is 75 minutes long and lunch is 50 minutes in length.
Special Education and ESL Programs
All levels of English as a Second Language (ESL) – AO (beginner) to EO (advanced) – are offered with supportive sheltered courses offered in some core subjects in Grade 9 and 10.
The Special Education Department provides support for students with a variety of special needs. This support includes remedial work and materials, an alternate setting for students to work on assignments and tests, and access to extended time as needed.
The Education for Community Living Program develops the educational skills of twenty students while providing a range of valuable work experiences.